What is PCOD?

What is PCOD?

Polycystic ovary disease is referred to as PCOD or PCOS. This is a feminine disease. Women with PCOD syndrome experience cysts or boils in their ovaries. As a result, the body produces more male hormones known as Androgens, resulting in a hormonal imbalance. Along with other complications, the hormonal imbalance causes issues with menstruation and fertilization. In addition to having irregular or prolonged menstrual periods, women with PCOS may also have high androgen hormone levels. The ovaries could make a lot of little fluid-filled sacs called follicles but not consistently release eggs. If PCOD is not addressed ideally, it can lead to more severe issues like diabetes and heart disease.

What is PCOS?

A hormonal condition known as polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) is common in females between 12 and 51. Women with PCOS may experience irregular or prolonged menstrual cycles or have high amounts of androgens or male hormones. The ovaries could produce a lot of tiny fluid-filled sacs (follicles) but not consistently release eggs.

There is no recognized cause for PCOS. Weight loss and early diagnosis and treatment may help to lower the chance of developing long-term problems such as type 2 diabetes and heart disease.

What is the best treatment for PCOS or PCOD?

Treatments can help you control PCOS symptoms and reduce your risk of developing long-term health issues, including diabetes and heart disease. Managing your specific problems, such as irregular periods, obesity, infertility, and acne, is the main emphasis of PCOD or PCOS treatment. Changes in lifestyle, such as weight loss, food, and exercise, typically come first in treatment. A slight 5–10% body weight loss can influence your menstrual cycle.

The course of treatment will depend on the symptoms, including metabolic issues, acne, and hair growth. This comprises:

Diet chart for PCOD/PCOS

PCOD/PCOS diet chart

Breakfast Vegetable Oats or Daliya
Mid-morning Bowl of fruits and Green tea
Lunch Brown rice pulao with raita
Evening Roasted makhana
Roasted makhana Bitter guard sabzi with roti
Breakfast Egg omlete Or suji cheela
Mid-morning sprouts
Lunch Soya curry with jeera rice
Evening Roasted channa or baked vegetable cutlets
Dinner lady finger subji with roti and salads
Breakfast Sambar idli with tomato or green chutney
Mid-morning buttermilk
Lunch whole wheat pasta with vegetables
Dinner Chicken tikka 4-5 pcs
Breakfast Avocado sandwich or Veg toast
Mid-morning Lemonade and Nuts
Lunch Fish curry with chapati
Evening boiled eggs and Poha
Dinner Chicken pulao
Breakfast veg vermicelli
Mid-morning Lemonade
Lunch fish curry with chapatti
Evening Tea with poha
Dinner A bowl of apple or papaya
Breakfast Cucumber toast with tea
Mid-morning Lemonade
Lunch Onion roti
Evening Roasted Chana or nuts
Dinner Bowl of fruits
Breakfast Ragi vegetable roll or poha
Mid-morning Lemonade
Lunch Mix veg brown rice pulao
Evening Roasted channa or makhana
Dinner Vegetable Wrap with tofu and vegetables

Do’s and Don’ts for PCOD/PCOS patients


Is There a Differentiation between PCOD and PCOS?

PCOS is a significant condition according to its nature. Since PCOD may be controlled with the correct diet and exercise, it is not considered an actual disease. Contrarily, PCOS is an unstable metabolic condition. Let us differentiate between PCOD and PCOS.

1. Underlying Factors: PCOD is caused by an imbalance of hormones, whereas Polycystic Ovary Syndrome is an endocrine system disorder. Both disorders are thought to be strongly influenced by heredity and hormone abnormalities. According to the notion, high quantities of male hormones stop the ovaries from generating eggs and hormones correctly. Additionally, it is connected to increased testosterone production.

2. Occurrence: In contrast, PCOD is more frequent. PCOS affects only one-third of women worldwide. While the ratio is PCOD patients are more than PCOS patients. The prevalence of polycystic ovary syndrome is lower.

3. The effects of PCOD and PCOS on pregnancy: PCOD and PCOS should not be viewed as barriers to pregnancy because they do not always result in infertility in women. In roughly 80% of situations, women may be able to get pregnant quickly and without any help. Due to hormonal imbalances, conception might be complex for women with PCOS. To become pregnant, a woman has to have healthy hormonal cycles that can provide the right conditions for the ovum to release and infuse with sperm after sexual contact. Getting pregnant can be difficult if one has polycystic ovary syndrome, which has very high levels of androgens. One must maintain good health to avoid and manage hormonal abnormalities and illnesses. The best course of action for PCOD and PCOS will involve early diagnosis and the right course of action to treat the condition and make the process of becoming pregnant successful.

Types of PCOS

In recent years, PCOS, a polycystic ovarian syndrome, has become a widespread issue among Indian women. It is believed that an imbalance in reproductive hormones is the root cause of PCOS. In addition to complicating pregnancy, tiny cysts can develop in one or both ovaries. It is estimated that this illness affects 1 in 5 Indian women. However, you should be sure about your type of PCOS before looking for therapies. Below are the four kinds of PCOS

1. Insulin Resistance – PCOS

It occurs in 70% of cases in women. Insulin Resistance PCOS is brought on by an illness known as insulinoma, which develops as cells lose their sensitivity to the effects of insulin. Its symptoms include weariness, sweet cravings, and abdominal weight gain.

This can be treated by engaging in regular movement and exercise. Avoid foods high in sugar and choose a balanced diet. Reduce stress and get enough sleep to control insulin levels. Magnesium, chromium, and inositol supplements are beneficial.

2. Adrenal PCOS

This happens at a really stressful time. High cortisol and DHEA levels are definite markers of the type of PCOS.
Yoga, meditation, and adequate sleep can help lower your stress levels. One should avoid doing vigorous activity. The adrenal glands and the neurological system can be supported by magnesium, vitamin B5, and vitamin C.

3. Inflammatory PCOS

Chronic inflammation is the cause of PCOS in this case. Increased testosterone levels result from a poor diet and an unhealthy lifestyle, which promotes inflammatory PCOS. Some symptoms include high C-reactive protein (greater than 5), headaches, unexplained lethargy, and skin conditions, including dermatitis.

You can maintain excellent gut health by restoring digestive enzyme balance and balancing the gut. Eat fewer foods that cause inflammation. Use natural anti-inflammatory substances like turmeric, omega-3 fatty acids, and antioxidants like NAC to your advantage.

4. PCOS post-pill

This happens following the discontinuation of oral contraceptive pill use. When you quit taking the tablets, the artificial progesterone, “causes a party in the ovaries,” which might result in PCOS post-pills. When the tablets are withdrawn, the condition may get worse rather than better.

Signs And Symptoms Of PCOD Or PCOS?

Some women realize they have symptoms around the time they get their first period. In contrast, others don’t until they’ve put on a lot of weight or have difficulties getting pregnant. The following are the most common PCOD or PCOS symptoms in females:


Although the exact cause of PCOS in women is unknown, the following are some key contributing factors:

Complications with the PCOD/PCOS issue

Every woman will wonder what will become of her body if she develops PCOS or PCOD. Your health may be impacted if your androgen levels are higher than usual. These PCOS or PCOD issues have side effects that call for medical attention:

PCOD or PCOS diagnosis

PCOD or PCOS can be detected through blood tests and imaging since it has physical symptoms that affect several body systems. The gynaecologist will inquire about medical history, eating and drinking habits, use of any prescription or over-the-counter medications, including vitamins and supplements, and use of any male-pattern hair growth on a woman’s chest, face, or back depending on symptoms such as irregular periods.

To identify PCOD or PCOS, a gynaecologist could suggest:

In addition to those mentioned earlier, the gynaecologist could suggest other tests to look for problems. These may consist of:


Women with PCOS are diagnosed if they experience at least two of the three primary symptoms: elevated testosterone levels, irregular periods, and ovarian cysts.

There is no known cause for PCOS. There is evidence that genetics is involved. Ovulation is prevented by high amounts of testosterone, which results in irregular menstrual cycles.

Can someone with PCOS still become pregnant? Yes. Even if you have PCOS, you can still become pregnant. One of the most prevalent but manageable reasons for infertility in women is PCOS.

Women frequently learn they have PCOS when they have problems getting pregnant. However, it is often noticed as early as age 11 or 12, or just a few months after the first menstrual period. In the 20s or 30s, it can also appear.

Although PCOS is closely linked to diabetes, lipid abnormalities, and other cardiovascular risk factors, women do not have a high death ratio because of PCOS.

There are no significant issues with PCOD. Type 2 diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, and endometrial cancer are among the considerable side effects of PCOS.

Menstrual cycles that are uncommon, irregular, or protracted and frequently have elevated levels of the male hormone androgen are symptoms of the polycystic ovarian syndrome. The ovaries may stop routinely releasing eggs and instead generate many tiny fluid-filled sacs known as follicles.

The symptoms of polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) cannot be cured, although they can be managed if handled effectively. Treatment choices differ since someone with PCOS may have a variety of symptoms or only one.

No, Currently there is no cure for PCOS and it does not go away on its own you can control by having healthy diet and improving your lifestyle.

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