
Curd if u have PCOD?



PCOD  can be easily managed and mitigated with a good nutritional diet however many women are confused about what they should eat and shouldn’t. One very common question we get asked a lot revolves around a simple white substance which we all take for granted; CURD! 


Let’s look at whether curd is a friend or an enemy to a dedicated PCOD Diet! 

Curd isn’t just a tasty treat; it could be your gut’s best ally in the fight against PCOD!


Curd: Is it your Gut’s Best Friend?

Ever wondered why your Naani or Daadi always gave you a bowl of dahi with your food? It’s packed with probiotics, that do wonders for your gut!


Is there a Gut-PCOD Connection?

Studies suggest that your gut health might have a say in how your body reacts to PCOD. That’s why probiotics from curd could be your new best friend.


Does curd help fight Inflammation? 

Probiotics in curd might just be the superhero you need. They’ve got anti-inflammatory powers that could help soothe those PCOD-related flare-ups.


Is curd key to a happy gut? 

A happy gut means less inflammation, especially important for women with PCOD. So, dive into that bowl of curd to keep your gut bacteria in check and your inflammation at bay.


Does curd help with calcium?

Who knew curd could be your secret weapon for bone health? With its calcium goodness, it’s like giving your bones a little love every time you indulge.


Is lactose from curd bad for PCOD? 

If you have PCOD, lactose sensitivity might be on your radar. Don’t worry; with moderation or alternatives, you can still keep curd on your menu.


So, now that we’ve ruled out the benefits for curd and the question is now on how one should eat it. Let’s dive into good practises for incorporating curd into your PCOD Diets!


Go for the Leaner Option:

When it comes to curd, think low-fat or Greek. These options cut down on saturated fats, keeping your heart and waistline happy. Plus, Greek yogurt packs a protein punch, perfect for keeping you feeling full and satisfied. Remember, you need to avoid blood sugar spikes.


Explore Lactose-Free Goodness:

If lactose doesn’t sit well with you, fear not! There’s a world of lactose-free yogurts out there, including plant-based alternatives like almond or soy yogurt. Just make sure they’re fortified with calcium and vitamin D to keep those bones strong.


Mix Things Up with Nutrient Packed Additions:

Who says curd has to be boring? Throw in some fruits, nuts, or seeds to jazz up your yogurt bowl. Not only does this add flavor and texture, but it also gives you a boost of essential nutrients, making your snack or meal even more satisfying.


Listen to Your Body:

Remember, everyone’s body is different. Pay attention to how you feel after enjoying your curd creations. If you notice any discomfort, it might be a sign to scale back a bit. Moderation is key to finding the perfect balance for your PCOD-friendly diet.


However, there are a few things to keep in mind:


Hormonal Challenges:

Some studies hint that dairy products, like curd, could mess with your hormonal balance. For women with PCOD, this means being a bit choosy about your dairy intake. Keep an eye on those hormone levels and pick your curd wisely.


Counting Calories:

Full-fat curd might taste heavenly, but it can also pack a punch in the calorie department, leading to unwanted weight gain. To keep those scales happy, consider opting for low-fat options or balancing your curd consumption with other nutrient-rich foods.




Curd offers a mix of probiotics and anti-inflammatory properties that could benefit PCOD management. But it’s important to consider individual tolerance levels.

For women suffering from PCOD, opting for low-fat or Greek curd is key. If lactose intolerant, explore alternatives like almond yogurt. Always keep moderation in mind.

When it comes to PCOD and diet, consulting healthcare pros is a must. By staying mindful of individual needs, women can make informed choices for their PCOD journey.


