Rice if I have PCOD



PCOD affects many women and nutrition plays a great role in reducing its risks and managing its symptoms. We have helped many women over the eyars with pdoc specific diets and the most commong question we get is regarding rice. 


Can I eat rice if I have PCOD?

Is rice going to increase my PCOD symptoms?


As our food knowledge increases, we also start looking at different varieties of rice that are available to us in the market today. We’re taking the two most common ones for this article; White Rrice and Brown Rice. 


Let’s break this down now!

All factors below in some way or the other affect the body’s capacity to deal with PCOD. Be it blood sugar levels, fibre content and its effects, hormonal imbalance and its manageemnt, the type of rice you choose can change the way your body deals with PCOD!


Which kind of rice is better to eat if I have PCOD? 

  • Brown Rice: Often considered a healthier alternative, it is a whole grain that retains its bran and germ layers.
  • White Rice: Being processed, it lacks bran and germ layers, potentially leading to a quicker spike in blood sugar levels.

What is the impact of rice on blood sugar levels?

  • Brown Rice: Generally has a lower glycemic index compared to white rice, causing a slower rise in blood sugar levels.
  • White Rice: Polished and processed, it causes insulin resistance and leads to quicker digestion which ultimately leads to rise in blood sugar levels.

Which type of rice has better  fibre content while dealing with PCOD?

  • Brown Rice: Higher in fiber, brown rice supports digestive health and helps regulate blood sugar levels.
  • White Rice: Lower in fiber, white rice may lead to rapid blood sugar spikes and does not provide the same benefits.

Which type of rice is giving me the nutrients I needs when dealing with PCOD?

  • Brown Rice: Rich in essential nutrients like magnesium, phosphorus, and B vitamins.
  • White Rice: Processing removes some of these nutrients, making it less nutritionally dense.

Which type of rice will help me manage weight goals while dealing with PCOD?

  • Brown Rice: The fiber content in brown rice promotes a feeling of fullness, potentially aiding in weight management.
  • White Rice: Consumption in excess may contribute to weight gain due to its higher calorie density.

Which type of rice will cause PCOD related hormonal imbalances?

  • Brown Rice: Nutrient-rich whole grains can contribute to hormonal balance and overall well-being.
  • White Rice: While it may be a source of quick energy, its nutritional content may not offer the same hormonal benefits.

So, we’ve noted the basic advantages and disadvantages of both kinds of rice. However, when you think about incorporating rice into a PCOD-Friendly Diet, what should you keep in mind?

  • Choose Whole Grains:
    • Prioritize brown rice or other whole grains like quinoa and barley over refined white rice as whole grains provide additional nutrients and fiber beneficial for women with PCOD.
  • Portion Control:
    • Be mindful of portion sizes to avoid excessive calorie intake and remember, moderation is key, even when choosing healthier alternatives like brown rice.
  • Pair with Protein and Vegetables:
    • Combine rice with lean protein sources such as chicken, fish, or legumes and add a variety of colorful vegetables to enhance nutritional value and fiber content.
  • Balance the Meal:
    • Create balanced meals by incorporating a mix of carbohydrates, proteins, and healthy fats as this approach can help regulate blood sugar levels and support hormonal balance.
  • Consideration of Individual Tolerance:
    • Each woman’s body reacts differently to foods so monitor how your body responds to rice and adjust your diet based on individual tolerance and preferences.



When it comes to the connection between rice and PCOD, it’s all about balance and awareness. Enjoying rice is absolutely possible, but opting for whole grains like brown rice can offer extra nutritional perks. 

By embracing a mindful approach to eating and taking into account personal preferences and tolerances, women can confidently navigate their dietary choices in a way that supports their health and wellness journey.

It’s all about making informed decisions that align with individual needs and goals.
